quotations about religion

Religion quote

Religion is as contradictory as reality, which distinguishes it from ideologies that must strive to be free from contradiction.


"Of Course Religion is First and Foremost a Duty", First Things, January 20, 2016

Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different road, so long as we reach the same goal. Wherein is the cause for quarreling?


Hind Swaraj

Tags: Mahatma Gandhi

A people without religion does not exist, or, if it does exist, it exists only as an abnormal and deficient specimen of the genus to which it belongs, which is of no more account in the just estimate of the type than a fox without a tail, or a lawyer without a tongue.


What Does History Teach?

Tags: John Stuart Blackie

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.


Olney Hymns

Tags: John Newton

Religion has everything on its side: revelation, prophecies, government protection, the highest dignity and eminence ... and more than this, the invaluable prerogative of being allowed to imprint its doctrines on the mind at a tender age of childhood, whereby they become almost innate ideas.


The Schopenhauer Cure

Tags: Irvin D. Yalom

Religion as a vital issue is dead except on paper, and whatever beauty-baiting the future may witness will be the work of greed and trade, and not of honest cosmos-facing.


Against Religion: The Atheist Writings of H.P. Lovecraft

Tags: H. P. Lovecraft

No religion I ever encountered made any sense. None are consistent. Most gods are megalomaniacs and paranoid psychotics by their worshippers' description. I don't see how they could survive their own insanity. But it's not impossible that human beings are incapable of interpreting a power so much greater than themselves. Maybe religions are twisted and perverted shadows of truth. Maybe there are forces which shape the world. I myself have never understood why, in a universe so vast, a god would care about something so trivial as worship or human destiny.


The White Rose

Tags: Glen Cook

Americans like to believe in miracles, they like to believe in magic and when they consume religion it's not on a philosophical level, it's on a miraculous level. Jesus can do things for you. It's about goods.


Spin Magazine, July 1991

If there is a true religion in the universe, it must include the truth of contact or be forever hollow.


The Rise of Endymion

Tags: Dan Simmons

Men are not so weak, save only in Religion, to think anyone in earnest if he do no more than talk.


Moral and Religious Aphorisms

Religion, as it has been generally taught, is anything but an elevating principle. It has been used to scare the child, and appal the adult. Men have been virtually taught to glorify God by flattery, rather than by becoming excellent and glorious themselves, and thus doing honor to their Maker. Our dependence on God has been so taught, as to extinguish the consciousness of our free nature and moral power. Religion, in one or another form, has always been an engine for crushing the human soul. But such is not the religion of Jesus Christ. If it were, it would deserve no respect.



Each religion has got their own way of making you feel like a victim. The Christians say "you are a sinner", and you better just zip up your trousers and give the money to the pope and we'll give you a room up in the hotel in the sky.


Timothy Leary's Last Trip

Tags: Timothy Leary

For the existence of any religion there must be a belief that there is, somewhere in the universe, an intelligence of a higher order than man's, and that this intelligence possesses a power superior to what we call the ordinary powers of nature. And religion is simply the condition or adjustment of the relations between each individual human soul and that higher intelligence, call it by what name you will.


"The Whispering Gallery"

To die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely.



Tags: Jorge Luis Borges

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Tags: Star Wars quotes

I began to see all this weighing and sifting what this text means and that text means, and whether folks are saved all by God's grace, or whether there goes an ounce o' their own will to't, was no part o' real religion at all. You may talk o' these things for hours on end, and you'll only be all the more coxy and conceited for't.


Adam Bede

I'm for decency -- period. I'm for anything and everything that bodes love and consideration for my fellow man. But when lip service to some mysterious deity permits bestiality on Wednesday and absolution on Sunday -- cash me out.


Playboy Magazine, February 1962

Religion being the chief band of human society, it is a happy thing, when itself is well contained within the true band of unity. The quarrels, and divisions about religion, were evils unknown to the heathen. The reason was, because the religion of the heathen, consisted rather in rites and ceremonies, than in any constant belief. For you may imagine, what kind of faith theirs was, when the chief doctors, and fathers of their church, were the poets. But the true God hath this attribute, that he is a jealous God; and therefore, his worship and religion, will endure no mixture, nor partner. We shall therefore speak a few words, concerning the unity of the church; what are the fruits thereof; what the bounds; and what the means.


"Of Unity in Religion", The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral

Tags: Francis Bacon

Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed.


Angels & Demons

Tags: Dan Brown

It has not been the fashion to be scientific about religion, but it is necessary that we should be scientific; it is time that we examined ourselves as to our faith and tried to know what we believe and why, and on what we base our belief.


The Hidden Side of Christian Festivals

Tags: C. W. Leadbeater