quotations about revolution

But the people did get it. They had lost something -- not exactly their fear, but their patience. Suddenly it seemed unbearable to go on accepting these systems, these portly little idiots in their blue suits, for another year, and then for another day, another hour. That special sort of impatience is the power-surge of revolution.


"1989: how it ended", Open Democracy, November 4, 2009

Tags: Neil Ascherson

It is far more easy to pull down, than to build up, and to destroy, than to preserve. Revolutions have on this account been falsely supposed to be fertile of great talent; as the dregs rise to the top, during a fermentation, and the lightest things are carried highest by the whirlwind. And the practice of this proposition bears out the theory; for demagogues have succeeded tolerably well in making ruins; but the moment they begin to build anew from the materials that they have overthrown, they have often been uselessly employed with regard to others, and more often dangerously with regard to themselves.



Tags: Charles Caleb Colton

Revolutions are messy--even revolutions driven by the haves versus the have-nots; even revolutions fighting for change in board rooms and institutions versus in the streets. Revolutions are messy even if the intentions of the revolutionaries are noble and positive. How can we prepare ourselves for the messiness? What changes should we brace ourselves for? And what unintended consequences or unforeseen pitfalls should we look out for?


"Show Me the Impact", Stanford Social Innovation Review, November 13, 2017

Some men hope for revolution but when you revolt and set up your new government you find your new government is still the same old Papa, he has only put on a cardboard mask.


Notes of a Dirty Old Man

Tags: Charles Bukowski

I can imagine no man who will look with more horror on the End than a conscientious revolutionary who has, in a sense sincerely, been justifying cruelties and injustices inflicted on millions of his contemporaries by the benefits which he hopes to confer on future generations: generations who, as one terrible moment now reveals to him, were never going to exist. Then he will see the massacres, the faked trials, the deportations, to be all ineffaceably real, an essential part, his part, in the drama that has just ended: while the future Utopia had never been anything but a fantasy.


The World's Last Night

Tags: C. S. Lewis

The revolutionary war is a war of the masses; it can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them.


Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong

Tags: Mao Zedong

The new revolutions are signalling an end of a long era equivalent to thousands of years. They are beyond just a merry-go-round of political personalities, they will become the new politics.


"The New Revolutions", Inquirer, February 12, 2016

Revolutions are sometimes necessary, even sometimes glorious, but only rarely successful in effecting essential permanent change. Anarchy, a culture without a government, without an established order, is never safe or productive for the general populace.


"Is establishment a poison pill", Chillicothe Gazette, February 12, 2016

Weak men, indeed, are prejudiced towards rules and systems in life and government; and think if these are gone all is gone: but a man of a great soul and free spirit delights in the noble experiment of blowing up systems and dissolving governments, to mould them anew upon other principles and in another shape.


Alciphron; or, The Minute Philosopher in Seven Dialogues

Tags: George Berkeley

If we would trace our descents, we should find all slaves to come from princes and all princes from slaves: But fortune has turned all things topsy-turvy, in a long story of revolutions.


Thoughts Moral and Divine

Tags: Wellins Calcott

Revolutions are only a radical improvement when the masses are alert and know how to chuck out their leaders as soon as the latter have done their job.


Orwell's Politics

That humanity and sincerity which dispose men to resist injustice and tyranny render them unfit to cope with the cunning and power of those who are opposed to them. The friends of liberty trust to the professions of others because they are themselves sincere, and endeavour to secure the public good with the least possible hurt to its enemies, who have no regard to anything but their own unprincipled ends, and stick at nothing to accomplish them.


Characters of Shakespeare's Plays

Tags: William Hazlitt

There's no justice in revolutions, whose spoils are divided up by the Fates over the dead bodies of the freedom fighters who held out until the final hour.


The Dust of Promises

If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution.


attributed, Psalms of Anarchy

Tags: Emma Goldman

It cannot be sufficiently emphasized that revolution is in vain unless inspired by its ultimate ideal. Revolutionary methods must be in tune with revolutionary aims. The means used to further the revolution must harmonize with its purposes. In short, the ethical values which the revolution is to establish in the new society must be initiated with the revolutionary activities of the so-called transitional period. The latter can serve as a real and dependable bridge to the better life only if built of the same material as the life to be achieved.


My Disillusionment with Russia

Revolution does not insure progress. You may overturn thrones, but what proof that anything better will grow upon the soil?


Living Words

Tags: E. H. Chapin

Left and right, the sour mood of the country burns for a true political and economic rebellion. It may well happen. But look for it out on the streets, not in the hollow rituals of these elections.


"When Chivalry Fails: St. Bernard and the Machine", Counterpunch, February 5, 2016

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.


Remarks on the first anniversary of the Alliance for Progress, March 13, 1962

Tags: John F. Kennedy

Revolution requires extensive and widespread destruction, a fecund and renovating destruction, since in this way and only this way are new worlds born.


"Statism and Anarchy"

Tags: Mikhail Bakunin

Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.


"Dogmatism and Freedom of Criticism", What Is To Be Done?

Tags: Vladimir Lenin