American-Dutch Reformed theologian (1873-1957)
Faith is not merely a matter of the intellect, nor of the intellect and the emotions combined; it is also a matter of the will which determines the direction of life.
Manual of Christian Doctrine
It is that perfection of God by which he is devoid of all change, not only in His Being, but also in His perfections, and in His purposes and promises.
Systematic Theology
God's eternal decree certainly rendered the entrance of sin into the world certain, but this may not be interpreted so as to make God the cause of sin in the sense of being its responsible author.
Systematic Theology
According to Scripture the essence of man consists in this, that he is the image of God. As such he is distinguished from all other creatures and stands supreme as the head and crown of the entire creation.
Systematic Theology
The great significance of the altar was and always has been that it was the place where God and the worshiper met.
Biblical Archaeology
In conclusion it may be said that sin may be defined as lack of conformity to the moral law of God, either in act, disposition, or state.
Systematic Theology
The Bible does not urge moral improvement as an end in itself, but moral improvement in relation to God, for God's sake, and with a view to the service of God.
Manual of Christian Doctrine
The good works of believers are not meritorious in the strict sense of the word; that is, they do not have the inherent value which naturally carries with it a just claim to a reward. If God does reward their good works, it is not because He is under obligation to them, but only because He has graciously promised to attach a reward to works that meet with His approval.
Manual of Christian Doctrine
He calls sinners in good faith, earnestly desires that they accept the invitation, and in all sincerity promises eternal life to those who repent and believe.
Summary of Christian Doctrine
True saving faith is a faith that has its seat in the heart and is rooted in the regenerate life. The seed of the faith is implanted by God in the heart in regeneration, and it is only after God has implanted this seed in the heart that man can actively exercise faith.
Manual of Christian Doctrine
True liberty consists exactly in self-determination in the direction of holiness. Man is never more free than when he moves consciously in the direction of God.
Systematic Theology
Salvation is altogether a work of divine grace, a work of which we become partakers only in union with Jesus Christ, with whom we are united by the work of regeneration.
Manual of Christian Doctrine
It is impossible to say precisely what will constitute the punishment of the wicked. Positively, it may be said that they will be totally deprived of the divine favor, will experience an endless disturbance of life, will suffer positive pains in body and soul, and will be subject to pangs of conscience, anguish, despair, and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Manual of Christian Doctrine
Strictly speaking, it may be said that the true preaching of the Word and its recognition as the standard of doctrine and life, is the one mark of the Church. Without it there is no Church.
Systematic Theology
In Scripture the idea of holiness is applied first of all to God. It denotes primarily that God is absolutely distinct from the creature, is exalted far above it in heavenly majesty, and is therefore the unapproachable One.
Manual of Christian Doctrine
It does not seem proper to speak of one attribute of God as being more central and fundamental than another; but if this were permissible, the Scriptural emphasis on the holiness of God would seem to justify its selection.
Systematic Theology
[Martin] Luther did not regard the water in baptism as common water, but as a water which had become, through the Word with its inherent divine power, a gracious water of life, a washing of regeneration. Through this divine efficacy of the Word the sacrament effects regeneration.
Systematic Theology
Prayer is the most direct expression of the religious consciousness.
Biblical Archaeology
God only is Creator and the supreme Good, while man is but a creature, who for that very reason cannot be the end of creation. The temporal finds its end in the eternal, the human in the divine, and not vice versa.
Systematic Theology
Prayer is the most important part of the thankfulness God requires of us.
Manual of Christian Doctrine