quotations about brides

The first change the woman must adjust to is no longer being a bride.


The Conscious Bride

There's something old and something new,
And something borrowed, something blue,
Packed in her suitcase.
I never thought that she would be
A blushing bride but, golly gee,
Just look in her suitcase.
When I asked her if she'd hurry up and answer,
She didn't tell me, she let me guess,
So here we go to Buffalo or maybe Maine or Kokomo,
Here comes the bride, she said yes.


"Something Old, Something New"

Being a bride is like being sent back to the seventh grade, and not just because you are supposed to keep a scrapbook and try on eighteen shades of lipstick.


I Do But I Don't: Why the Way We Marry Matters

But love, love, love, there's better love I know!
This love's only day's first offer--
Next love shall defy the scoffer:
For do not bride and bridegroom sally
Out of Possagno church at noon?
Their house looks over Orcana valley--
Why not be the bride as soon
As Ottima? I saw, myself, beside,
Arrive last night that bride--
Saw, if you call it seeing her, one flash
Of the pale snow-pure cheek and blacker tresses
Than ... not the black eyelash;
A wonder she contrives those lids no dresses
--So strict was she the veil
Should cover close her pale
Pure cheeks--a bride to look at and scarce touch,
Remember Jules!--for not such
Used to be tended, flower-like, every feature,
As if one's breath would fray the lily of a creature?


Pippa Passes

The first time you see your grown-up little miss looking back at you from a sea of white chiffon or beaded satin glory, indeed your heart will skip a beat. You'll find yourself blinking back tears. That elusive someday has suddenly become now. Your little girl--your jewel--is going to be a bride.


Mother of the Bride

Remember that to use a thing is not to own it and should you ever take a bride, listen closely to her questions. In them you may hear her true name like the thunder of a lost river, like the sighing of the sea.


The Language of the Thorns