quotations about confidence
If men are lacking in self-confidence, it is generally from an over-estimate of the difficulties before them, or from an under-estimate of their ability to overcome the obstacles in their way. Many noble and talented men and women fail in their lifework by an under-estimate of their possibilities.
Helps to Happiness
Here is a man who is on the verge of a precipice. All unheeded he pushes forward. Scorning the advice of a friend, he proposed to judge for himself, and in overconfidence in himself he rushes on to ruin. Heedless of the earnest admonition of others, he plunges into the abyss.
Traits of Character Illustrated in Bible Light
People who lack confidence do not understand other people. Seeing others through their own critical lens, they nervously perceive them as judgmental and rejecting. In order to offset their own shame and self-pity, many will pour blame and criticism onto others, and never look at their part in a problem.
Complete Confidence
The person who puts on a front of false confidence is like the frightened cat who arches her back and bushes her tail in an effort to appear ferocious.
Industrial Arts & Vocational Education, Volume 31
Self-confidence is like the cha-cha. It's one step forward, one step back, and three steps in the same place.
Cosmopolitan, 1985
Confidence is conqueror of men; victorious both over them and in them;
The iron will of one stout heart shall make a thousand quail;
A feeble dwarf, dauntlessly resolved, will turn the tide of battle,
And rally to a nobler strife the giants that had fled.
Proverbial Philosophy of Faith
Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.
Believing in Ourselves