quotations about gay marriage
Marriage should be between a spouse and a spouse, not a gender and a gender.
"Obama and Gay Marriage: Runaway Bride?", The New Yorker, June 30, 2011
The exclusion of same-sex couples from the benefits and responsibilities of marriage, accordingly, is not a small and tangential inconvenience resulting from a few surviving relics of societal prejudice destined to evaporate like the morning dew. It represents a harsh if oblique statement by the law that same-sex couples are outsiders, and that their need for affirmation and protection of their intimate relations as human beings is somehow less than that of heterosexual couples.
Minister of Home Affairs and Another v. Fourie and Another, December 1, 2005
Under the Constitution, same-sex couples seek in marriage the same legal treatment as opposite-sex couples, and it would disparage their choices and diminish their personhood to deny them this right.
majority opinion, Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015
Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn't marry. And you couldn't have that special day the way your friends do--you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person's shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
"Why Miley Got Her Gay-Marriage Tattoo", Glamour, February 1, 2012
Don't hide behind the Constitution or the Bible. If you're against gay marriage, just be honest, put a scarlet 'H' on your shirt, and say, 'I am a homophobe!'
Talk Is Cheap: Volume I
I think that the best day will be when we no longer talk about being gay or straight. It's not a gay wedding. It's just a wedding. It is not a gay marriage. It is just a marriage.
attributed, "8 Of The Best Quotes From Straight Celebrities", Dear Straight People, August 17, 2015
It's two people that are in love with one another. What's the issue?
attributed, Thought Catalog