Notable Quotes
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Nature talks in symbols; he who lacks imagination cannot understand her.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Marriage does not unite two people; it entangles them.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Men are born, fools are littered.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Beauty in woman is that potent alchemy which transforms men into asses.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The prevailing Christian precept: Make your neighbor turn the other cheek.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Until thirty we live through curiosity, after that out of sheer spite and bravado.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The politician is a biped; but he is probably an aberrant form of hyena.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

When habit clutches a man he becomes a limp mass of nerveless meat.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Conscience is extinct among us, but it is said to still linger among the more savage tribes of Africa: proof that there is a pressing need for more missionaries.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

A woman that speaks the truth finds no favor in my eyes, for she disturbs the pretty theories I cherish about her sex.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The man who sins and then repents deserves a well-twisted rope at the gallows.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

I will be honest if only to differ from my neighbors.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Suicide--the only offence against the Laws for which men cannot devise a punishment.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The State is composite: part ass, part vulture, but principally milch-cow.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Pity in its embrace strangles respect.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The present marriage laws are very propitious towards making Cuckoldom the normal state of men.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

When a fool dies there is much shedding of tears in the land whither he is bound.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Most men would gladly give their souls to the Devil, were he willing to accept them.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

I must claim Fortune is a perverse hag until she kisses me upon the lips.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Justice like the sunflower hangs its head on the sunny side.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Remorse withers the succulent fruits of sin.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Heaven and Hell are man's hopes and his fears extended beyond the grave.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

There is nothing we abhor so much as to have to be virtuous in private.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The only way to reform a politician is to hang him.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

A man or a woman without passions is like a windmill in a calm--motionless, ghastly, useless.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Men keep on the path of righteousness only because the road to the Devil is not yet paved.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Laziness prevents more crimes than morality.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Civilization helps the disabled and disables those who can help themselves.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The angels must tremble when a fool is in the right.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Kindness is a distemper which is soon cured by experience.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Children are a comfort to men because the youngsters cannot contradict them.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

He who knows how to loaf is wiser than three sages.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

One who stultifies his own character in desperate attempts to please everybody is called a "Gentleman."

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The Fanaticism which meets with our approval we graciously term Enthusiasm.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Mediocrity is the marshy border line separating greatness from littleness: a fit habitation for human mosquitos.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

We talk much of reform, meaning thereby a change of mud in our mud-bath.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Advertising is immodesty turned to profit.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Woman is the only creature in nature that hunts down its hunters and devours the prey alive.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Our Desires snort and press forward like giddy stallions, but our Means creep sulkily along like snails.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Gentleness in a toothless dog is a lean virtue.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Many deeds are enacted in God's name which fill the Devil's heart with envy.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Respectability is a stamp that passes many false coins.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

A man begins to die when he ceases to expect anything from Tomorrow.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

A desire scorned and neglected is an enemy lying in wait with bared dagger.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Ten gods cannot change the opinion of one fool, especially if another fool agrees with him.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Protracted optimism must eventually end in hopeless fatuity.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Those who love their country never wish to rule it.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Spring is the rutting season of mankind.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The earth is much over-populated, hence that abominable institution called "Society."

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Most women bestow their favors upon men, not from Passion, but from Compassion.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Wisdom teaches us to live content upon a bone gnawed bare.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Prayer is the stimulant of the feeble.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

We complain of scandal for fear that it may pass unnoticed.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Pregnant Tomorrow, impregnable Tomorrow! holds imprisoned in her belly the hopes and fears of a pale-faced humanity.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

When a man has once gained a Reputation not even with God's help can he get rid of it.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Like bees that are drowned in the honey which they make, the workmen are crushed by the wealth they create.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Few are fit to train monkeys, yet not one of us but thinks himself competent to bring up children.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Feline, feminine: A quaint similarity of sound. Brutal the thought that suggests an analogy.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The family is an absolute monarchy in miniature.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The Church is a conspiracy to corrupt men's morals.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Habit is a great swamp wherein men are turned to fossils.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

The workman is a vine that is crushed by the burden of its own clustered grapes.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims

Past pleasures are of as little comfort to a man as the money in his neighbor's pocket.

ABRAHAM MILLER, Unmoral Maxims


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