quotations about nudity
I find people better looking without clothes than with clothes. You can go to a gym and go to a steam room and you see someone and think, He's really handsome. Then he puts on his clothes. Some weird pants. A thumb ring. Some weird socks. And it's gone!
Vanity Fair, March 2006
Religious strictures are often the source of attitudes toward nudity. Society urges the wearing of clothing partially as a means of controlling the powerful sexual urges that are feared will be released by nudity, causing chaotic behavior.
The Universal Dream Key
The experience of nudity does not refer to a hidden existent but to that which does not belong to the register of possible, present existents: Erotic profanation is a nocturnal event. What manifests in the erotic night is nothing less than that which, because it remains secret, beyond any presence, real or possible, unfolds itself in the mode of that which is not yet. Erotic nudity uncovers the clandestine, which refuses to give itself, and it is in this way that nudity is profanation, that is, the paradoxical coincidence of the hidden and the discovered, of the secret that remains hidden despite being discovered.
Levinas and the Night of Being: A Guide to Totality and Infinity
Nudity is the costume of lovers and corpses.
City Aphorisms
This was truly to be a radical milestone: the world's first-ever marathon nude psychotherapy session for criminal psychopaths.
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry
You'll never catch a nudist with his pants down.
attributed, The Little Book of Humorous Quotes
Many displayed in their nudity traces of their past: scars of knife thrusts in the belly, starbursts of guns hot wounds, ridges of the razor cuts of love, Caesarean sections sewn up by butchers. Some of them had their young children with them during the day, those unfortunate fruits of youthful defiance or carelessness, and they took off their children's clothes as soon as they were brought in so they would not feel different in that paradise of nudity.
Love in the Time of Cholera
Halfway measures, such as loincloths or fig leaves, remain more titillating than complete nudity.
Eros and Polis
Sometimes we sit and wonder in our idle way what in the mischief Eve did when the cold weather came.
Poems and Paragraphs