quotations about socialism

I believe Socialism is the grandest theory ever presented, and I am sure it will someday rule the world. Then we will have attained the Millennium.... Then men will be content to work for the general welfare and share their riches with their neighbors.


"A Millionaire Socialist", New York Times, January 1, 1885

Like the phoenix, socialism is reborn from every pile of ashes left day in, day out, by burnt-out human dreams and charred hopes.


Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman

Tags: Zygmunt Bauman

We comes from God, I from the Devil.



Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin

Jesus was the first socialist, the first to seek a better life for mankind.


Daily Telegraph, June 16, 1992

Anyone who objects to any government whatsoever as a form of socialism ought not to pull that socialist lever in their home, the one that makes their waste disappear in a whirlpool into the socialized sewage treatment plant.


The Distributist Review, August 31, 2009

Socialism, when the last word is said, is merely a new economic and political system whereby more men can get food to eat.


The Human Drift

Tags: Jack London

If socialism is a nonentity in the experiencing world, then what is it in reality? I have argued that in the experiencing world, what was set up was not socialism but statism. Statism is a fact whereas socialism is a faith or a belief. Reality and ideal enter into conflict with each other. This conflict was most evident in Maoist China. Maoism had a commitment to ideal (socialism), unwilling to bow to the fact of statism. The Cultural Revolution is in essence a conflict between statism as a fact and socialism as a faith.


Socialism and Governance: A Comparison Between Maoist and Dengist Governance

The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity. We have been cursed with the reign of gold long enough. Money constitutes no proper basis of civilization. The time has come to regenerate society -- we are on the eve of universal change.


open letter to the American Railway Union, Chicago Railway Times, January 1, 1897

Tags: Eugene V. Debs

We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.


official website

We can't ignore socialism's loss of innocence over the past century. We may reject the version of Lenin and the Bolsheviks as crazed demons and choose to see them as well-intentioned people trying to build a better world out of a crisis, but we must work out how to avoid their failures.


"Socialism's Future May Be Its Past", New York Times, June 26, 2017

For my part, while I am as convinced a Socialist as the most ardent Marxian, I do not regard Socialism as a gospel of proletarian revenge, nor even, primarily, as a means of securing economic justice. I regard it primarily as an adjustment to machine production demanded by considerations of common sense, and calculated to increase the happiness, not only of proletarians, but of all except a tiny minority of the human race.


"The Case for Socialism", In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays

Tags: Bertrand Russell

Every reasonable human being should be a moderate Socialist.


New York Times, June 18, 1950

Tags: Thomas Mann

'87 socialism gave way to socialising
so put your hands up in the air
once more the North is rising


"Last Day of the Miners Strike"

Socialism is nothing but the capitalism of the lower classes.


The Hour of Decision

Tags: Oswald Spengler

The basic problem I really have is that whenever I meet leftists in the socialist and Marxist movements, I'm called a petit-bourgeois individualist. I'm supposed to shrink after this. Usually I'm called petit-bourgeois individualist by students, and by academicians, who've never done a days work life [sic] in their entire biography, whereas I have spent years in factories and the trade unions, in foundries and auto plants. So after I have to swallow the word petit-bourgeois, I don't mind the word individualist at all!


attributed, Anarchism in America

Either this organisation of injustice with its entire machine of oppressive laws and privileged institutions, must disappear, or else the proletariat is condemned to eternal slavery. This is the quintessence of the Socialist idea, whose germs can be found in the instinct of every serious thinking worker.


The Policy of the Internationl: to which is added an essay on "The Two Camps"

Tags: Mikhail Bakunin

We are convinced that liberty without socialism is privilege, injustice; and that socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality.


"Reasoned Proposal to the Central Committee of the League for Peace and Freedom", September 1867

Tags: Mikhail Bakunin

Our governments told us that socialism was the real enemy, and that we would have freedom, but the foreign powers and corporations were the ones with real freedom, the freedom to take all the wealth generated by our work and our land and gave us only a small percentage of the scraps from the table. Their lust for power and their greed drove them to betray not only us but themselves and the word of their own God. (Open your eyes before you die.)


"Open Your Eyes"

As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.


The Road to Wigan Pier

Tags: George Orwell

What is a Socialist? That's when all are equal and all have property in common, there are no marriages, and everyone has any religion and laws he likes best. You are not old enough to understand that yet.


The Brothers Karamazov

Tags: Fyodor Dostoevsky