quotations about truth
The truth is dark under your eyelids.
"Against Winter", Walking the Black Cat
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
attributed, Physics, God, and the End of the World
Truth is new, as well as old. It has new forms; and where you may find a new statement, an earnest statement, you may conclude that by the law of progress it is more likely to be a correct statement than that which has been repeated for ages by the lips of tradition.
Living Words
There is no higher religion than the truth.
The Essential Works of Helena Blavatsky
There are always men who are ready to ask, with an idle curiosity, with an interest too superficial to wait for an answer, this question, "What is truth?" There are always those who are ready to ask it, with a saddened or scornful skepticism, as quite sure there is no answer to be given; no truth; nothing but fancies, speculations, notions, opinions, fleeting, contradictory, and futile. And, thank God, there have always been men, like Jesus, who have seen the truth to be such an transcendent, vital, divine reality that they knew it to be a thing worth living, worth dying for. So Jesus could declare the truth to be, no fancy, no delusion, no mere opinion or speculation, but that thing to bear witness to which was the one purpose of his existence, the thing for which he was born.
The very Truth has to change its vesture, from time to time; and be born again. But all Lies have sentence of death written down against them, and Heaven's Chancery itself; and, slowly or fast, advance incessantly towards their hour.
The French Revolution: A History
Man is here to search for truth, and to search until he finds it. And he will enjoy it all the more that he has had to search for it.
Thoughts for the Thoughtful
It is not always needful for truth to take a definite shape; it is enough if it hovers about us like a spirit and produces harmony; if it is wafted through the air like the sound of a bell, grave and kindly.
The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe
Every man can have his own peculiar truth; and yet it is always the same.
The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe
But O the truth, the truth! the many eyes
That look on it! the diverse things they see!
"A Ballad of Fair Ladies in Revolt"
The most familiar precepts are not always the truest.
Within a Budding Grove
The investigation of the truth is in one way hard, in another easy. An indication of this is found in the fact that no one is able to attain the truth adequately, while, on the other hand, no one fails entirely, but everyone says something true about the nature of all things, and while individually they contribute little or nothing to the truth, by the union of all a considerable amount is amassed.
The fact is, all people have a bias of some sort or another. It cannot be helped. All human beings are inculcated with it through their families, friends, culture, education, economic status, and a variety of factors in life. A search for truth is always done by a person, or persons, who are biased in some way. The difficulty for the seeker of authenticity is not to somehow overcome one's biases. The test is when the seeker finds a fact, or data set, that incline against their prejudice. The challenge is to realize that what is real, in any particular case, should prevail over the bias.
"Truth Is Always on Trial", Liberty Voice, April 14, 2017
So multifarious are the different classes of truths, and so multitudinous the truths in each class, that it may be undoubtingly affirmed that no man has yet lived who could so much as name all the different classes and subdivisions of truths, and far less anyone who was acquainted with all the truths belonging to any one class. What wonderful extent, what amazing variety, what collective magnificence! And if such be the number of truths pertaining to this tiny ball of earth, how must it be in the incomprehensible immensity!
For decades, critical social scientists and humanists have chipped away at the idea of truth. We've deconstructed facts, insisted that knowledge is situated and denied the existence of objectivity. The bedrock claim of critical philosophy, going back to Kant, is simple: We can never have certain knowledge about the world in its entirety. Claiming to know the truth is therefore a kind of assertion of power.
"Creating Truth is Assertion of Power", Asharq Al-Awsat, April 19, 2017
Be scrupulously truthful, even if the truth is inconvenient, for it is more inconvenient when you try to conceal it.
"A Liberal Decalogue", New York Times Magazine, December 16, 1951
As ten millions of circles can never make a square, so the united voice of myriads cannot lend the smallest foundation to falsehood.
The Vicar of Wakefield
You don't always have to chop with the sword of truth. You can point with it too.
Bird by Bird
We may have revolved every possible idea in our minds, and yet the truth has never occurred to us, and it is from without, when we are least expecting it, that it gives us its cruel stab and wounds us forever.
Sodom and Gomorrah
Veracity is a plant of paradise, and the seeds have never flourished beyond the walls.