quotations about Utopia
The world has become too dangerous for anything less than utopias.
New York Times, September 2, 1969
What is decidedly missing from these definitions of utopia is any notion of, or room for, evolution and change within the vision. The vision may be part of a process of change, pushing us to strive and change, but the vision itself is static.
The Task of Utopia: A Pragmatist and Feminist Perspective
Theirs was a civilization in which the initial difficulties had long since been overcome. The untroubled peace, the unmeasured plenty, the steady health, the large good will and smooth management which ordered everything, left nothing to overcome. It was like a pleasant family in an old established perfectly-run country place.
Utopian thinking does not provide tangible solutions to society's wicked problems. Nor is it intended to. Instead, it widens the scope of what might be possible in the future; of what we should aspire to.
"Where have all the utopian thinkers gone?", ABC News, April 23, 2017
The 1939 fair was conceived by what might be called practical utopians. That is, it was an enclosed space where new and better modes of life could be shown to be possible and workable. It was as much prescription as prediction. Social theorists, businessmen, and academics were recruited to educate the public in the industrialized, communitarian, engineered world that was sure to come--the world of tomorrow, as the slogans promised.
"Inside Every Utopia Is a Dystopia", Boston Review, April 20, 2017
We want our Utopia now.
Main Street
Utopia is that which is in contradiction with reality.
Between Hell and Reason
The search for Nirvana, like the search for Utopia or the end of history or the classless society, is ultimately a futile and dangerous one. It involves, if it does not necessitate, the sleep of reason. There is no escape from anxiety and struggle.
Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays
Personally I know only one person who wrote about utopia. Afterwards he was executed. I suppose it's not my genre.
Pavilion of Thoughts
Is not the minimal state, the framework for utopia, an inspiring vision?
Anarchy, State, and Utopia
A philosophy untouched by the shadows on the wall can only yield a sterile utopia.
Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?
We would not be discussing "utopian" ideas at all had not our own system been recently and violently revealed as delusional in certain key respects.
"Utopia for Realists: And How We Can Get There: 21st century capitalism", The Australian, April 15, 2017
Utopian thinking is not merely futile, it is also profoundly immoral since it contradicts the structure of man's thought and action in its applicability to the world. Since it misleads man, it is an ultimately irresponsible doctrine.
The Decline of the Intellectual
If we are wrong, the Constitution of the United States is wrong. And if we are wrong, God Almighty is wrong. If we are wrong, Jesus of Nazareth was merely a utopian dreamer that never came down to Earth. If we are wrong, justice is a lie, love has no meaning. And we are determined here in Montgomery to work and fight until "justice runs down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
Address to the first Montgomery Improvement Association Mass Meeting, at Holt Street Baptist Church, December 5, 1955
It may be that the best we can hope for when it comes to utopias is that they be held at arm's length and regarded as aesthetic constructions, in which various proportions are neatly worked out, contradictions eliminated, and outside intrusions minimized. They are fictions, artifacts of culture. And we should be wary if they ever become much more.
Visions of Utopia
I will now confess my own utopia. I devoutly believe in the reign of peace and in the gradual advent of some sort of socialistic equilibrium. The fatalistic view of the war function is to me nonsense, for I know that war-making is due to definite motives and subject to prudential checks and reasonable criticisms, just like any other form of enterprise. And when whole nations are the armies, and the science of destruction vies in intellectual refinement with the science of production, I see that war becomes absurd and impossible from its own monstrosity. Extravagant ambitions will have to be replaced by reasonable claims, and nations must make common cause against them.... I look forward to a future when acts of war shall be formally outlawed as between civilized peoples.
"The Moral Equivalent of War"
Utopian speculations ... must come back into fashion. They are a way of affirming faith in the possibility of solving problems that seem at the moment insoluble. Today even the survival of humanity is a utopian hope.
Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History