quotations about the Star Wars character Yoda

In a progressive universe, Yoda and his competitor sages would set up Jedi-arts studios in every mini-mall on Coruscant -- the way karate saturates suburban America -- giving millions of kids exposure to a little discipline and fun, plus a chance to better themselves through hard work. Maybe outperform what cynical grown-ups expect of them. But Yoda thinks he can diagnose at age nine who's got it, who hasn't. And who is destined to fail before they try.


Star Wars on Trial: The Force Awakens Edition

If you're a Star Wars fan, you're no doubt familiar with master Yoda's quirkish grammar. Usually, second language learners quickly adjust to the canonical word order of their new language, and it's only the finer points of grammar that continue to vex them. However, master Yoda is 900 years old.


The Psychology of Language: An Integrated Approach

Symbolically Yoda is trying to teach Luke to experience a living connection to all things, to reach for the final stage of the alchemical connection, which the alchemists called the unus mundus, a state of being one with the world. If he feels the environment around him through his body and the spiritual energy that resides within him in a deeply related way, not an impulsive and reckless way, life can flow more effortlessly.


The Journey of Luke Skywalker: An Analysis of Modern Myth and Symbol

Fans know all about Admiral Ackbar's Mon Calamari species, and maybe more more than they ever wanted about Jar-Jar Binks' Gungans. But not Yoda. He keeps his secrets. His species is never discussed, his home world never revealed. This is a plus -- one Yoda speaking in his backward style is charming, a dozen might soon become as annoying as Jar-Jar's "we-sa, you-sa" habits. Still, it wouldn't hurt to pick up a few more tidbits about Yoda's history and how he influenced a new generation of Jedi.


"Should Yoda be in 'The Last Jedi'? 5 reasons there are", CNET, March 13, 2017