quotations about love

love quote

They stayed together and watched each other slowly become strangers, watched their love die as you watch a great old gum tree succumb to dieback.


The Unknown Terrorist

Tags: Richard Flanagan

Whoever came up with the term "love is a drug" was spot on. That first time doing a drug is unreal, but afterward, you are left chasing that first high that will never come again. Love is the same way, nothing will ever compare to the first, we can chasetrack it for an eternity, might find a few suitable replacements to fill that void but in the back of your mind, you know the truth.


"Dating & Relationships: Do You Ever Get Over Your First Love?", Inscribe Magazine, September 1, 2016

Life is too short to not spend it with the people you love, I murmured. Did you just read an Instagram caption? my boyfriend asked. I huffed. I said that it was a midnight musing--not an Instagram caption. But it's true. To me, at least. From reading children's books to books about death and illness and meaning and regret, I gather that this abstraction--love!--that poets wax on about and singers warble on about and writers scribble on about is what matters most. It isn't money or material items or career or achievements or resumé markers or positions or charm. It's the simple, deceptively simple! equation of existence: to love and to be loved.


"To Love and To Be Loved", coolpeppermint, June 8, 2018

Tags: love

It is a wonderful subduer, this need of love--this hunger of the heart--as peremptory as that other hunger by which Nature forces us to submit to the yoke, and change the face of the world.


The Mill on the Floss

We value love not because it's stronger than death but because it's weaker. Say what you want about love: death will finish it. You will not go on loving in the grave, not in any physical way that will at all resemble love as we know it on earth. The perishable nature of love is what gives love its importance in our lives. If it were endless, if it were on tap, love wouldn't hit us the way it does.


My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead

Tags: Jeffrey Eugenides

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will some new pleasure prove
Of golden sands, and crystal brooks,
With silken lines, and silver hooks.


The Bait

Tags: John Donne

Love is a rebellious bird that no one can tame.


Bel Canto

Tags: Ann Patchett

Hurry not a woman's favor; neither forcer her hastily to surrender to thee. For she goeth into love as she goeth into the waters at the seashore; first a hand and then a lip goeth she in by littles. She diveth not, she leapeth not from the pier; but by gentle shocks and cries of protest she entereth slowly; yet when the waters of love encompass her, then she is supported. She swimmeth in her joy; she floateth on the tide of happiness.


The Maxims of Methuselah

Love is the wine of existence. When you have taken that, you have taken the most precious drop that there is in the cluster.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Tags: Henry Ward Beecher

Love has its own instinct, finding the way to the heart, as the feeblest insect finds the way to its flower, with a will which nothing can dismay nor turn aside.


A Woman of Thirty

Ah, how sweet it is to love!
Ah, how gay is young Desire!
And what pleasing pains we prove
When we first approach Love's fire!


Tyrannic Love

Divinely blessed is rose or man
That answers to love's whispered plan,
And gladly owns it paradise
To be love's perfect sacrifice.


"The Lady and the Rose"

Edwin Leibfreed published several books of poetry, including A Garland of Verse (1910), A Soliloquy of Life (1915), and The Man of a Thousand Loves (1932).

Love me little, love me long.


Tags: French proverbs

Love is a tenuous, halting, delicate dance at first, a gentle gavotte, a pas de deux of fits and starts and sweaty palms and nervous smiles. But when you fall, really fall, it is like topping that first high hill on a roller coaster, when the nerves give way to a breathless ride punctuated by dips and dives and moments when your stomach feels as if it is trying to escape through your throat.


"Love has many facets; abuse isn't one of them", Enid News & Eagle, October 21, 2018

The truth about love is that it is ever changing. Throughout the life of a relationship, individuals change and life itself changes. Love has to be flexible enough to accommodate new information, new roles, and new ways of loving one another.


The Truth About Love

Tags: Patricia Love

Love is more than just saying nice words and doing things -- it means forgetting oneself and serving others, just as Jesus did when he washed the feet of the disciples.


"Love is the hidden service we do for others, Pope Francis says", Angelus: The Tidings Online, March 14, 2016

The Venus flytrap, a devouring organism, aptly named for the goddess of love.


Suddenly Last Summer

Tags: Tennessee Williams

I saw her, met her, liked her, got to know her, let her know I was interested, pursued her, wooed her, won a place with her, spent time with her and grew to love her.


"Altitude Sickness: Romantic love is a verb", Mountain Times, March 9, 2016

So love is rest? The cosy corner? The little nook?
Sometimes it ought to be.
Sometimes it is.


Play with a Tiger

Tags: Doris Lessing

Oh! I know this truth, if I know no other,
That passionate Love is Pain's own mother.


"The Way Of It"

Tags: Ella Wheeler Wilcox