quotations about advertising

Advertising doesn't cause addictions. But it does create a climate of denial and it contributes mightily to a belief in the quick fix, instant gratification, the dreamworld, and escape from all pain and boredom. All of this is part of what addicts believe and what we hope for when we reach for our particular substance.... Addiction begins with the hope that something "out there" can instantly fill up the emptiness inside. Advertising is all about this false hope.


Can't Buy My Love

Tags: hope

Making advertising film is also like making a film. After all, advertising is also making small stories in a film. So I never moved out of making films, because I am a filmmaker who is making films in a different medium.


interview, International Business Times, March 5, 2016

Advertising is an addiction: Once you're hooked, it's very difficult to stop. You become accustomed to putting a fixed advertising cost into your budget, and you are afraid to stop because of a baseless fear that, if you do, your flow of new customers will dry up and your previous investments in advertising will have been wasted.


Marketing Without Advertising

Tags: addiction

Advertising is fundamentally broken -- the Internet screwed it up and the only rational response is for people to use ad-blockers and tune out all the crappy ads.


"Fox Advertising Executive Joe Marchese Says Digital Media Is Unfairly Screwing Cable", re/code, February 18, 2016

I've met many an advertising professional who thought 'Half my advertising is wasted, but I don't know which half' was funny. It isn't. In this day and age, it's a disgrace, an appalling indictment of the bad habits we have all got into, that we don't know, even now, whether it's half, or a third, or a quarter -- or three quarters, for that matter. All we know for certain is that advertising is working even less efficiently for us now than it did 20 years ago.


Stop Advertising Start Branding

Advertising is the through express train of modern publicity. It is by this medium that all good things, all things worthwhile, are accomplished. From sunrise to sunrise, through the daily press, a new product is introduced, a new thought created and the complexion of a nation changed.


attributed, The Advertising Age

It is this emphasis on value which for many people excludes ads from admission into the canons of art. The value of art, moreover, especially in literature, is often associated with opposition to our detachment from the dominant values of society. In comparison with literature, ads accept and glorify the dominant ideology while literature often rejects and undermines it. The simple fact that ads answer the brief of their clients accounts for the common perception that while art is a vehicle of honesty, advertising is more likely to be a vehicle of deceit.


The Discourse of Advertising

Tags: value, art

One of the hottest areas of advertising growth involves the Internet. The interactive nature of Internet marketing offers unique marketing advantages that conventional electronic media, such as radio and television, cannot replicate. Interactive advertising affords the marketer the ability to engage the consumer in a direct and personal way. Another major advantage of online advertising is the content is not limited by geography or time. In addition, the results for advertisement campaigns may be monitored in real-time. Essentially all of the leading 100 national advertisers in the United States have begun advertising on the web.


Head's Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media

We grew up founding our dreams on the infinite promise of American advertising. I still believe that one can learn to play the piano by mail and that mud will give you a perfect complexion.


Save Me the Waltz

Tags: dreams

The future of video advertising is not about a one-way shift to digital video, it's a holistic approach to all screens. The lines between TV and video are all but indistinguishable to consumers, and the most successful advertising will take that same approach.


"Media Buyers are Bullish about Linear TV Advertising", World Screen, March 4, 2016

Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.


Call Me Ted

Tags: Ted Turner

Advertising is the garment of abundance ... a Masque-like "put on" of all the motifs and actions of our time.


Culture Is Our Business

Tags: Marshall McLuhan

Advertising, in fact, is the effort of business men to take charge of consumption as well as production. They are not content to supply a demand, as the text-books say; they educate the demand as well. In the end, advertising rests upon the fact that consumers are a fickle and superstitious mob, incapable of any real judgment as to what it wants or how it is to get what it thinks it would like. A bewildered child in a toy shop is nothing to the ultimate consumer in the world market of today. To say, then, that advertising is merely a way of calling attention to useful goods is a gorgeous piece of idealization. Advertising is in fact the weed that has grown up because the art of consumption is uncultivated.


Drift and Mastery

Tags: Walter Lippmann

Advertising is judged not by what it says, but by what the consumer thinks it says.


How to Advertise

Advertising is salesmanship-in-print.


My Life in Advertising

Advertising has been about disrupting the experience of the media and inserting a message distinct from the programming. Media professionals tried their best to insert a message that would align with an audience, but the understanding of the audience was an educated guess, as best. There was inherent waste, and the message was lost on a portion of the audience. The future of advertising is one of a complementary insertion that's less disruptive, more in alignment with the needs and wants of the audience. This targeting and insertion can be accomplished through data, but the heaviest weight of the interaction relies on the creative. That's what we have to fix ASAP.


"A Less-Disruptive Advertising Future", Online SPIN, February 17, 2016

I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things.


attributed, The Daily Book of Positive Quotations

Tags: Franz Kafka, desire

Advertising is the way great brands get to be great brands.


The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR

Perception of products in advertising is influenced by clever placement in the right context. Companies here use the insights from psychology into people's perceptual capacities in a targeted manner. In the end the goal is to awaken attentiveness in customers. Only those stimuli that generate attentiveness will consciously be perceived by customers and efficiently processed further.


The Psychology of Marketing: Cross-Cultural Perspectives

The triumph of advertising in the culture industry is that consumers feel compelled to buy and use its products even though they see through them.


Dialectic of Enlightenment

Tags: Theodor W. Adorno