Notable Quotes
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For our soul is so preciously loved of him that is highest, that it over-passeth the knowing of all creatures.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love

The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.
God is the ground, the substance,
the teaching, the teacher,
the purpose, and the reward for which every soul labors.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Meditations with Julian of Norwich

For as the body is clad in the cloth, and the flesh in the skin, and the bones in the flesh, and the heart in the bulk, so are we soul and body clad and enclosed in the goodness of God: yea, and more homelie, for all they vanish and waste away, the goodness of God is ever whole and more near to us without any comparison.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love

A man goeth upright, and the soul of his body is spared as a purse full fair, and when it is time of his necessity, it is opened and spared again full honestly.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love

Me thought I would have been that time with Magdalen, and with other that were Christ's lovers, that I might have seen bodily the passion that our Lord suffered for me, that I might have suffered with him as others did that loved him; and therefore I desired a bodily sight, wherein I might have more knowledge of the bodily pains of our Saviour, and of the compassion of our Lady, and of all his true lovers that were living [at] that time, and saw his pains: for I would have been one of them, and have suffered with them.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love

My own sin
will not hinder the working
of God's goodness.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Meditations with Julian of Norwich

We pray to God for his holy flesh, and for his precious blood, his holy passion, his dear worthy death, and worshipfull wounds; for all the blessed kindness and the endless life that we have of all this, it is of the goodness of God.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love

What could make me love
my fellow Christian better
than to see that God loves us all
as we were all one soul?

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Meditations with Julian of Norwich

The fruit
and the purpose
of prayer
to be oned with
and like
in all things.

JULIAN OF NORWICH, Meditations with Julian of Norwich


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