quotations about writing

There are two men inside the artist, the poet and the craftsman. One is born a poet. One becomes a craftsman.


letter to Cezanne

Tags: Emile Zola

There are probably seven persons, in all, who really like my work; and they are enough. I should write even if I were the only patient reader, for my aim is merely self-expression.


"The Defence Remains Open!"

Tags: H. P. Lovecraft

Read heavily in the area where you want to write. Be aware of what's selling and what's doing well but don't try to write to market trends; they are fleeting.


interview, Book Browse

No music. No rituals. At home I write in my office or on the laptop in the kitchen where our puppy likes to sleep, and I love his company. But I've trained myself to be able to work anywhere, and I write on trains, planes, in automobiles (if I'm not the driver), airports, hotel rooms. I travel often. If I couldn't write wherever I was I would get little done. I also can write in short bursts. Fifteen minutes are enough to move a story forward.


interview, Bookshop Talk, September 22, 2011

Tags: Gail Carson Levine

I've come to believe that a huge part of getting better at writing is forcing yourself to see the things that have been in the corner of your eye all along. That means writing stories that include characters from other cultures and backgrounds--but also, being more open to other viewpoints in general. It also means interrogating all of your other lazy ideas and drilling into all of the "of courses" that you let yourself get away with.


"The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do To Make Your Writing More Awesome", Gizmodo, February 25, 2016

After all, the original way of writing books may turn out to be the best. The first author, it is plain, could not have taken anything from books, since there were no books for him to copy from; he looked at things for himself.


Literary Studies

Tags: Walter Bagehot

You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence. It's just so easy to give up!


Locus Magazine, June 2000

Too much is written by the men who can't write about the men who do write.


Martin Eden

Tags: Jack London

I've been to a lot of places and done a lot of things, but writing was always first. It's a kind of pain I can't do without.


National Observer, March 12, 1977

Tags: Robert Penn Warren

All stories must end so, with the next tale winking out of the corners of the last pages, promising more, promising moonlight and dancing and revels, if only you will come back when spring comes again.


The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making

I wish my prose to be transparent--I don't want the reader to stumble over me; I want him to look through what I'm saying to what I'm describing. I don't want him ever to say, Oh, goodness, how nicely written this is. That would be a failure.


The Paris Review, fall 1998

Tags: V. S. Naipaul

Transitions are usually not that interesting. I use space breaks instead, and a lot of them. A space break makes a clean segue whereas some segues you try to write sound convenient, contrived. The white space sets off, underscores, the writing presented, and you have to be sure it deserves to be highlighted this way. If used honestly and not as a gimmick, these spaces can signify the way the mind really works, noting moments and assembling them in such a way that a kind of logic or pattern comes forward, until the accretion of moments forms a whole experience, observation, state of being. The connective tissue of a story is often the white space, which is not empty.


The Paris Review, summer 2003

Tags: Amy Hempel

Let us not, then, lament over the decay and oblivion into which ancient writers descend; they do but submit to the great law of nature, which declares that all sublunary shapes of matter shall be limited in their duration, but which decrees, also, that their elements and vegetable life, passes away, but the vital principle is transmitted to posterity, and the species continue to flourish. Thus, also, do authors beget authors, and having produced a numerous progeny, in a good old age they sleep with their fathers, that is to say, with the authors who preceded them--and from whom they had stolen.


"The Art of Book-Making", The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon

Write books only if you are going to say in them the things you would never dare confide to anyone.


The Trouble with Being Born

Tags: Emil Cioran

The excitement I get from writing is finding out each day what happens next.


"One Thing Leads to Another: An Interview with Charles de Lint", The Yalsa Hub, September 19, 2013

Tags: Charles de Lint

The triumph of the written word is often attained when the writer achieves union and trust with the reader, who then becomes ready to be drawn deep into unfamiliar territory, walking in borrowed literary shoes so to speak, toward a deeper understanding of self or society, or of foreign peoples, cultures, and situations.


There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra

Usually, you don't know where a book comes from ... it's just there, some kind of an itch that you can't quite scratch.


interview with Oprah Winfrey, June 1, 2008

Tags: Cormac McCarthy

I believe one writes because one has to create a world in which one can live. I could not live in any of the worlds offered to me -- the world of my parents, the world of war, the world of politics. I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I could breathe, reign, and recreate myself when destroyed by living. That, I believe, is the reason for every work of art.


diary, February 1954

Tags: Anaïs Nin

Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The English reading public explains the reason why.


letter to Fanny Guillermet, September 5, 1918

Tags: James Joyce

Fiction is based on reality unless you're a fairy-tale artist, you have to get your knowledge of life from somewhere. You have to know the material you're writing about before you alter it.


interview, Associated Press, 2003