quotations about writing

Writing has freed me from the despair of living.


The Paris Review, fall 1987

Tags: Anita Brookner

Writers don't give prescriptions. They give headaches!


Anthills of the Savannah

Tags: Chinua Achebe

The economy of a novelist is a little like that of a careful housewife who is unwilling to throw away anything that might perhaps serve its turn. Perhaps the comparison is closer to the Chinese cook who leaves hardly any part of a duck unserved.


from journal kept while writing A Burnt-Out Case

Many writers are there that paint a stolen jade and sell it for a colt at the nearest fair.


Keystones of Thought

Tags: Austin O'Malley

Just as the light and weightless vegetation of saltpeter floats over the old walls of houses as soon as the owner gets careless, so the literary vocation springs up in you.


letter to Jose Bello, summer 1925

Tags: Federico Garcia Lorca

I'm grateful when stories come in a rush, although I keep an eye on them afterwards, to see whether they hold together. It's harder to judge the ones that took so long to finish. With those, I've lost perspective. Mostly I'm just glad that I can be done with them.


"Words by Flashlight", Sybil's Garage, June 7, 2006

Tags: Kelly Link

I think a good writer is a mix of confidence (sure that what they're writing is going to appeal to their readers) and uncertainty (what if all these words are crap?). If you're too confident, you get an attitude that seeps through into your writing, affecting the characters and the story. If you're too uncertain, you'll never finish anything.


interview with Kim Antieau, April 28, 2008

Tags: Charles de Lint

You might get the impression that I have a mild contempt for storytelling, which is only somewhat true. For example, I really like Agatha Christie. She obeys the rules of the genre at first, but then occasionally she manages to do very personal things. In my case, I think I start from the opposite point. At first, I don't obey, I don't plot, but then from time to time, I say to myself, Come on, there's got to be a story. I control myself. But I will never give up a beautiful fragment merely because it doesn't fit in the story.


The Paris Review, fall 2010

Tags: Michel Houellebecq

Writing is -- at least for me -- movement forward, the conquest of a body that I do not know at all, away from something to something that I do not yet know; I never know what will happen -- and here 'happen' is not intended as plot resolution, in the sense of classical dramaturgy, but in the sense of a complicated and complex experiment that with given imaginary, spiritual, intellectual and sensual materials in interaction strives -- on paper to boot! -- towards incarnation.


Nobel Lecture, May 2, 1973

When a good writer is having fun, the audience is almost always having fun too.


Entertainment Weekly, August 17, 2007

Tags: Stephen King

What separates the professionally successful ... from all the rest is their ability to stay steady, to have stamina. It is one thing to write a good sentence, another to write a good book.


interview, Identity Theory, February 12, 2005

Tags: Katy Lederer

Well, when I was a young writer the people we read were Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Sartre, Camus, Celine, Malraux. And to begin with, I was a bit of a copycat writer and very derivative and tried to write a novel using their voices, really.... I keep it out of print.


interview, Brick 81, 1989

To write as if your life depended on it; to write across the chalkboard, putting up there in public the words you have dredged; sieved up in dreams, from behind screen memories, out of silence--words you have dreaded and needed in order to know you exist.


What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics

Tags: Adrienne Rich

The funny thing about writing is that whether you're doing it well or you're doing it poorly, it looks the exact same. That is actually one of the main ways that writing is different from ballet dancing.


"July 19: A Day in the Life of a Writer (Who Has No Friends)", YouTube

Oh, I've discarded a great many [poems]. And occasionally I've discarded and then resurrected. I would find a crumpled yellow ball of paper in the wastebasket, in the morning, and open it to see what the hell I'd been up to; and occasionally it was something that needed only a very slight change to be brought off, which I'd missed the day before.


interview, The Paris Review, winter-spring 1968

Tags: Conrad Aiken

Occasionally, there arises a writing situation where you see an alternative to what you are doing, a mad, wild gamble of a way for handling something, which may leave you looking stupid, ridiculous or brilliant -- you just don't know which. You can play it safe there, too, and proceed along the route you'd mapped out for yourself. Or you can trust your personal demon who delivered that crazy idea in the first place. Trust your demon.


introduction, "Passion Play"

Tags: Roger Zelazny

He who will not listen to any advice, nor be corrected in his writings, is a rank pedant.


"Of Works of the Mind", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

Fine writing is generally the effect of spontaneous thoughts and a labored style.


Essays on Men and Manners

Clearly there is no moral obligation to write in any particular way. But there is a moral obligation, I think, not to ally oneself with power against the powerless. An artist, in my definition of the word, would not be someone who takes sides with the emperor against his powerless subjects.


There Was a Country: A Personal History of Biafra

A great writer has a high respect for values. His essential function is to raise life to the dignity of thought, and this he does by giving it a shape.


The Art of Writing

Tags: André Maurois